

1. 目的

In order to maintain an atmosphere conducive to learning and consistent with the College’s mission, 博彩平台网址大全向学院社区成员提供有关使用酒精饮料和受管制物质的政策.

 2. 政策

学生 and employees of 博彩平台网址大全 shall not possess, 出售, 使用, 购买, 制造, give away or otherwise distribute illegal substances including drugs or, 禁止在哪里, 在校园里喝酒, attending a college-sponsored off-campus event or while serving as a representative of the College at off-campus meetings. 违反此政策的学生和员工将受到学院通过既定正当程序实施的逮捕和纪律处分.

学生因持有毒品被判有罪, 使用, 分发, or 出售ing controlled substances will face serious disciplinary action, which may include suspension and dismissal from the College for a first offense. The College will notify the police when its rules regarding illegal substance have been violated.

除了, WCC and/or any agency providing school sanctioned, 学生的校外学习经历可能需要在学生安置之前或在学习经历期间进行药物和/或酒精测试,如果有记录表明表现出药物和/或酒精滥用行为.

 College employees are subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the DHRM 政策 and Procedures Manual, 保单编号1.05. Disciplinary action may include suspension without pay or termination of employment.

 3. 州和联邦法规

弗吉尼亚州联邦和弗吉尼亚州酒精饮料管制委员会颁布了管理酒精饮料的各种法律和条例. 这些法律包括在附录A中.

 4. 健康风险


Specific health risks associated with 酒精 使用 can be found on the CDC’s website at: www.疾病预防控制中心.gov /酒精/实况报道酒精-使用.htm.

Specific health risks related to 使用 of controlled substances can be found at:

http://www.正义.gov / dea /酒吧/滥用/图表.Htm,或http://www.正义.gov / dea /酒吧/滥用/ doa-p.Pdf,第81页.

 5. 预防计划

认识到几乎所有年龄层和社会各阶层不当使用毒品所造成的严重后果, 博彩平台网址大全制定了学生和员工政策,禁止在校园内拥有或使用受管制物质. Beyond potential disciplinary action that could result, 学院认识到提供有关药物滥用危害的信息和咨询服务的必要性和责任. 以下活动和服务计划是博彩平台网址大全为防止学生滥用药物所做的努力, 教职员工. 学生成功和学术发展主任将监督课程的内容和及时性.

A. 至少一年一次, WCC将举办一个研讨会, 车间, presentation or other program of information and awareness that will be open to all students, 教职员工.

B.  威斯维尔校园学生服务站和位于加莱克斯的十字路口学院的主要办公室以及位于马里恩的亨德森学院的主要办公室将提供现成的小册子和信息表,供个人使用,以了解自己的个人信息和意识.

C. 威斯维尔社区中国博彩平台区专门帮助有药物滥用问题的人的转介服务清单可通过211弗吉尼亚获得 www.211年弗吉尼亚.org . 学生, 教师, and staff requesting assistance will be referred to the appropriate public agencies. Information will also be available on the website under "At WCC", “社区”, 及“社区资源”.

 6. 两年一次的审查

学术和机构发展副校长负责完成1965年HEA修订的第120条规定的每两年一次的审查.   检讨将会:

(1) Determine the effectiveness of the education program and implement needed changes; a. 负责学生服务的副总裁将从校园收集项目信息,并将这些信息提交给总统内阁进行审查. At a minimum, the review will look at attendance and the timeliness of the subject matter.

a. 该小组将建议任何需要的更改

b. 更改将提交给警察局长, 学生成功与学术发展主任, 及政策及程序委员会检讨. 随后将发布最新政策.


(3) The annual notification will be sent by email to all students at the start of each fall semester. It will also be posted on the web in the 教师 Handbook, The WCC 目录 and 学生手册 and the Adjunct 教师 Handbook. Employees and student who begin after the fall notification will be guided to the appropriate handbook for information.



Virginia's 酒精 Beverage Control Act contains a variety of laws governing the possession, 使用, 以及酒精饮料的消费. The Act applies to the students and employees of this institution. Virginia statutes, including sanctions for their violation, are summarized below.

1. It is unlawful for any person under age 21 to 购买 or possess any 酒精ic beverage. 违反法律将使违规者被判轻罪,处罚是监禁12个月,并处以最高2美元的罚款,500, 要么都选,要么都选. 另外, such person's Virginia driver's license may be suspended for a period of not more than one year.

2. It is unlawful for any person to 出售 酒精ic beverages to persons under the age of 21 years of age. 违反法律将使违规者被判轻罪,处罚是监禁12个月,并处以最高2美元的罚款,500, 要么都选,要么都选.

3. 任何人在联邦公共公路上驾驶机动车辆时饮用含酒精饮料属违法. A violation of this section can result in a fine of $250.

4. It is unlawful for any person to 购买 酒精ic beverages for another when, 在购买的时候, he knows or has reason to know that the person for whom the 酒精 is 购买d is under the legal drinking age. The criminal sanction for violation of the law is the same as #2 above.

5. It is unlawful for any person to consume 酒精ic beverages in unlicensed public places. Violation of the law exposes the violator to a misdemeanor conviction for which the punishment is a fine up to $250.


非法占有, 分布, and 使用 of controlled substances and illicit drugs, 弗吉尼亚毒品管制法规定的, 在弗吉尼亚是被禁止的. Controlled substances are classified under the Act into "Schedules,,范围从附表一至附表六, 如第54节所定义.1-3446到54.弗吉尼亚法典第1-3456条,经修订. Penalties for violation of the schedules are covered in 18.2-250 and may involve fines of not more than one million dollars and imprisonment for life. Virginia statutes, including sanctions for their violation, are summarized below.

  1. 任何人明知或故意管有受管制物质,除非该物质是直接从, 或者依照, a valid prescription or order of a practitioner while acting in the course of his professional practice, or except as otherwise authorized by the Drug Control Act (§ 54.1-3400等序列.).
    Upon the prosecution of a person for a violation of this section, 拥有或占用在其上或在其上发现受管制物质的处所或车辆,不得构成该人明知或故意拥有该受管制物质的推定.
    1. 任何人违反本节有关《中国博彩平台》附表一或附表二所列任何管制物质的规定,将犯5级重罪, except that any person other than an inmate of a penal institution 如§53所定义.1-1或其雇员违反本节有关大麻模拟剂的规定,即犯1类轻罪.
    2. Any person other than an inmate of a penal institution 如§53所定义.1-1或由其雇员保管, 就附表III所列管制物质违反本条规定者,属第1类轻罪.
      1. 就列入附表IV的受控物质违反本条规定,应按第2类轻罪处罚.
      2. 就分类于附表V的受管制物质违反本条规定,应按第3类轻罪处罚.
    3. 就列入附表VI的受管制物质违反本条规定,应按第4类轻罪处罚.
  2. The provisions of this section shall not apply to members of state, 联邦, 县, 市或镇执法机构, 监狱警察, 或惩教人员, 如§53所定义.1-1, 在执行职务时需要管有管制物质或管制物质时,获发训练犬只以侦测管制物质的训练师证书.


博彩平台网址大全 serves the counties of Bland, 卡罗尔, 格雷森, 史密斯, 和Wythe, 以及加莱克斯城.

所有WCC地点所在的地方都通过了有关在公共场所饮酒和/或公共醉酒的州和联邦法规. 然而, 威斯维尔镇和马里恩镇通过了关于非法使用或持有酒精的特别条例.


  • 证券交易委员会. 107-49 - Profane swearing and intoxication in public. 类似规定见《中国博彩平台》第18条.2-388


  • 证券交易委员会. 6-2. - Drinking 酒精ic beverages, or offering to another, in public place; penalty; exceptions. 类似规定,参见《中国博彩平台》第4条.1-308
  • 证券交易委员会. 6-3. - Drinking or possessing 酒精ic beverages in or on public school grounds; penalty 类似规定,参见《中国博彩平台》第4条.1-309
  • 证券交易委员会. 6-4. - Drinking or possessing 酒精ic beverages in or on the town parks.
  • 证券交易委员会. 46-4. - Profane swearing and intoxication in public; transportation of public inebriates to detoxification center. 类似规定见《中国博彩平台》第18条.2-388.


  • 证券交易委员会. 9-22. - Profane swearing and drunkenness in public; transportation of public inebriates to detoxification center. 类似规定见《中国博彩平台》第18条.2-388.
  • 证券交易委员会. 9-23. - Drinking 酒精ic beverages, or tendering to another, in public place. 类似规定,参见《中国博彩平台》第4-78条.
  •  证券交易委员会. 9-24. - Drinking or possession of 酒精ic beverages on school grounds. 类似规定,参见《中国博彩平台》第4-78条.1.